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Self-help program

3.2 My risk management plan

In this exercise you will create a risk management plan for moments when you feel the urge to use CSAM.

Write your plan to cope with triggering factors to use CSAM on paper. Look back at your plan whenever you want to use CSAM, or you experience any of your triggering factors that you identified in 3.1 My triggering factors.

My risk management plan

List at least three risk situations and make a risk management plan for them.

Risk situation

  • Look back at your diary from exercise 10 to recall risk situations.
  • What kinds of situations are risky for me? What situations make me want to search for and view CSAM?
  • What feelings, thoughts and mental images are risky for me? What feelings, thoughts and mental images make me want to search for and view CSAM?


  • How can I manage these situations? What steps can I take to stop myself acting on my feelings and thoughts?

Avoiding risk in the future

  • How can I avoid risks in the future?
  • What can I do to avoid risky situations?
  • What can I do to avoid risky feelings, thoughts and mental images?

Example 1

Risk situation

I am using my computer and I have the urge to search for and use CSAM.


I immediately turn off my computer. I take a few minutes to calm down and I look back at my values and how I want to behave and act to uphold them.

How to avoid risk in the future

I will remove the TOR browser from my computer.

I will not (re)download the TOR browser.

Example 2

Risk situation

I am feeling stressed/anxious and I want to watch CSAM to make me feel better.


I talk about my stress with someone close to me. Alternatively, I write down how I am feeling in a journal. I stay away from my computer so that I am not tempted to search for CSAM.

How to avoid risk in the future

I will think about what is causing stress in my life. I will find new ways to manage my stress without resorting to using CSAM.​