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Self-help program

4.2 What do I gain from using it

What kinds of needs do I fulfil and what do I gain from using CSAM?

Mieti omia laittoman kuvamateriaalin käyttöön liittyviä motiivejasi ja tarpeitasi

Think about your own motives and needs related to your use of CSAM. Look at your findings from your diaries in 3.3 Identifying my desires and 3.2 My risk management plan.

  • What do you gain from using CSAM?
  • What makes using of CSAM important to you?
  • What makes you continue using CSAM?
  • What important things would you need to give up if you were to stop using CSAM?

Mirror the questions to the things you considered in 2. My life at the moment. What area of your life is lacking, that the use of CSAM fills?

Look at the nine needs in the Good Lives Model below. Which of those needs do you aim to fulfil by using CSAM? Select at least three needs that link together.

  • For example, if you feel that you are primarily seeking sexual pleasure, think about two other needs that it also ties in with.
  • E.g. “I feel lonely (relatedness), I view CSAM, feelings of loneliness are reduced (inner peace), I get sexual pleasure from watching (sexual wellbeing).
  • Consider the motives behind your CSAM-related behavior or deviant sexual interests with regard to the primary needs in the Good Lives Model (GLM).
GLM needs
  1. Wellbeing
  2. Knowledge
  3. Self-efficacy
  4. Agency
  5. Relatedness
  6. Inner peace
  7. Spirituality
  8. Happiness
  9. Creativity

Example 1

What do you gain from using CSAM?

"I was stressed but using CSAM made me feel more relaxed."

Which GLM-need does the use of CSAM fulfil?

6. Inner peace - I use C​SAM to make me feel better and more calm.

How can I meet these needs without using CSAM?

In what other way, other than through CSAM use, could I feel better? For example 'I could go out for a short walk'.

Example 2

What do you gain from using CSAM?

"I get sexual satisfaction."

Which GLM-need does the use of CSAM fulfil?

1. Sexual wellbeing - I get sexual gratification from using CSAM.

How can I meet these needs without using CSAM?

In what other way, other than through CSAM use, could I achieve sexual gratification/satisfaction?

Example 3

What do you gain from using CSAM?

"I feel less lonely/ I don't feel lonely."

Which GLM-need does the use of CSAM fulfil?

5. Relatedness
6. Inner peace
4. Agency - I don't feel lonely when I watch CSAM, so using CSAM is a way to control my emotions. I feel capable when I watch CSAM.