What are Internet Therapies?
You will work on your therapy weekly for about 2–4 months. You will reflect on your difficulties, thinking and behavior patterns, and learn new ways of acting through informational content, videos, and exercises. When properly targeted, internet therapies have achieved results as good as those from face-to-face psychotherapy.
At the moment, Internet Therapies are only available in Finnish and Swedish.
More information
How can I get into Internet Therapy?
Seek help at, for example, your health center, occupational health, or student health services. Any doctor in Finland can make a referral to internet therapy. Please note, that treatment is currently only available in Finnish and Swedish.
Näyttöön perustuvaa hoitoa
Terapeutin tukemat digitaaliset hoidot eli nettiterapiat on kansainvälisissä tutkimuksissa todettu yhtä tehokkaiksi, kuin vastaavat kasvokkaiset psykoterapiat. Esittelemme tällä sivulla nettiterapioiden tuloksia ja keskeisiä julkaisuja.